Opening shortly

Invites application. needy persons please contact.

Rules and regulations

Eligibility for admission
  • Members of Elders Welfare Association
  • Senior citizens retired from Central/State Governments and Public sector Undertakings.
  • Senior citizens of 60 years and above who desire to spend the rest of their life in Happy Home.

Admission Procedure

  1. Any person desirous of becoming an inmate at the home has to apply in the prescribed form along with a written agreement on stamp paper worth Rs.100/- and signed by the applicant in the presence of two witnesses agreeing to abide by the rules and regulations of the institution.
  2.  The mode of admission will be in accordance with the assessment arrived at by the authorities of Elders Welfare Association after having an interview with the applicant and the person responsible to admit him.


  • Well furnished rooms, with single or double accommodation and also accommodation for couples.
  • The rooms have all the modern facilities and are self contained with provision to install telephone, AC, television etc.  
  • Kitchen and dining hall in the ground floor.
  • Hygienic homely and nutritious food.
  • Library and reading room with range of dailies, magazines and books.
  • Recreation room.
  • Medical panel specialized in geriatric care.
  • Round the clock care and service.
  • A homely atmosphere congenial to the aged.
  • Absolute security.
  1. Every applicant applying for admission to the home shall be required to bring at the time of interview a responsible person who is none other than his near relative, failing which he shall produce either a consent letter from his near relatives as defind in clause(d) of rule 2 or credential from reputed persons like MP,Ex MP,MLA,Ex MLA Members of local bodies etc, at the time of interview. Such credential shall bear the name signature, full address and telephone number of reputed person as defined in clause (f) of rule 2. The personal interview shall be jointly conducted by the president and General Secretary, Elders Welfare Association, Trivandrum with the applicant to determine his/her eligibility for admission.
  2. The applicant shall also furnish to the satisfaction of the authority at the time of interview the following documents in original:-
    • A detailed medical report issued by a registered medical practitioner in accordance with the requirements of the institution.
    •  The name,surname,family name and full address contact telephone number/s mobile number/s of his/her near relative and applicant’s relationship with such person.
    • The details of applicant’s spouse including his/her name, surname, family name, date of birth, address, contact telephone number/s etc. if the applicant is married.
    • Election ID Card/Driving License/PAN Card/Ration Card
    • Identification Mark.
    • Blood Groop
  3. Every admitted person shall remit at the time of admission, a refundable interest free security deposit of Rs.25, 000/-(Rupees twenty five thousand). and mess advance Rs.5000/-(Rupees five thousand only) How ever, Life members of Association are exempted from payment of security deposit.
  4. Amount, if any standing at his/her credit according to the account of the HAPPY HOME will be refunded to the inmate when he/she leaves the institution. But such amount will not carry any interest. Such amount/s at his/ her account unclaimed for more than one calendar year from the date of his/her leaving the home will be credited to the account of HAPPY HOME for the welfare of the poor inmates who have no income and no relatives to support.
  5. The authorities of the HAPPY HOME may refuse admission to any applicant whose character or antecedent have not been satisfactory or for any other reason noticed by the authority.
  6. Any inmate who has obtained admission by means of false representation of any kind or who may be found guilty of indiscipline/ misconduct shall be sent out from the institution forthwith.
  7. No inmate will be re-admitted after he/she is dismissed/sentout from the home. The decision of the authorities in this regard shall be final and binding upon the applicant.
  8. Admission are not open to people who are suffering from infectious and mental diseases, or continuously involved in criminal cases or offences or addicted  to liquor or psychotropic substances, drugs etc.

Mode of life

  1. A comprehensive housing service is available to all inmates throughout their life at the Home. Applicants have choice of any of thefollowing three types of housing / accommodations, subject to availability.
    • Single room
    • Double room
    • Dormitory
  2. To maintain a good family atmosphere the inmates should live in mutual love, friendship and respect.
  3. To cultivate and develop amity and unity among themselves, the inmates shall try to co-operate with each other and join together for prayers, food, games, entertainment and other activities.
  4. All inmates shall maintain strict discipline and should not disturb the other brother inmates in their sleep between 9.30 PM and 6 AM.
  5. All inmates shall be punctual in their routine activities at the Home including food, group therapies, prayers etc.
  6. Every inmates handling good/s or article/s of the Home whether big or small shall be responsible for the safe custody and preservation in good condition of such goods / or articles as if they belong to him.
  7. Smoking, drinking alcohol and betel – chewing, cards playing for money within the Home is strictly prohibited.
  8. Imamates shall not be allowed to eat at nearby restaurants and shops and shall not bring food articles from outside.
  9. The authorities of the HAPPY HOME reserves with them every right to dismiss inmate/s who indulge in serious acts of indiscipline, objectionable behavior and or any other act/s that disturb the peaceful atmosphere of the Home.

Payment for services

  1. No rent will be levied from the inmates.
  2. The expenditure of the following items shall be met by the inmates by dividing system.
    1. Maintenance of room
    2. Water
    3. Electricity
    4. Food
    5. Laundry
    6. Salary of the staff
    7. Entertainment
    8. Library
    9. News paper and Periodicals
  1. A disabled inmate who opts for services of a special nurse shall pay the charges of special nurse. For the convenience of the inmates they can pay a lump sum amount in advance, for this purpose.
  2. The inmates shall necessarily bring their own clothes and toiletries.

Medical Care/Treatment

  1. The institution will provide round the clock medical care.
  2. HAPPY HOME is attached to NIMS Super speciality Hospital Neyyattinkara, A host of visiting doctors and specialists will be on call and make monthly visit to the home.
  3. As occasion arises, the services of a qualified medical practitioner will be made available to the inmates at the home itself or the inmates will be taken to the hospital for treatment and, if necessary, get them admitted as inpatient.
  4. All medical expenses of inmates shall be met by the inmates themselves. If due to illness or physical conditions of the inmate, he is unable to make the payment, it will be met to the extent of the security deposit, and the near relative, or the responsible person who had entered in to contract with the authorities of HAPPY HOME, in turn will reimburse to HAPPY HOME such expenses so that the security deposit of Rs. 25,000/- will remain as such during the stay of the inmate in the HAPPY HOME. The inmate and the responsible person shall also furnish the name of the person / organization etc. to whom the HAPPY HOME shall repay the available amount in the security deposit in the event of the inmate leaving the HAPPY HOME or death. The inmate is also free to authorize authorities of the HAPPY HOME to utilize the balance amount available at his credit at the time of he/she leaving the HAPPY HOME or his/her death, for the benefit of other inmates.


If any dispute or difference arises touching or concerning the subject matter dealt with herein shall be subject to the jurisdiction of civil court of Neyyattinkara, Trivananthapuram district.